Job Vacancies

The Institute of Mechatronic Systems offers graduates and students the opportunity to work on current research projects in the fields of medical technology, vehicle mechatronics, robotics and production technology. If you do not find any research opportunities that are of interest to you here, please contact us directly or reach out to the Secretary Office.

Job vacancies for students (Hiwi)

Vacancies for student assistants (HiWis) can be found in the category Studies.

Job vacancies for Scientific staffs

PhD positions (m/f/d) in the MSCA doctoral network AERIALIST

The AERIALIST Doctoral Network for Assistive Health Technologies in Unmonitored and Home Environments offers exciting PhD positions in Europe. Three positions from the network in Austria and Spain are co-supervised by Prof. Thomas Seel:

  1. DC7: Fusion of Electrical Stimulation with the Wearable Robot
  2. DC13: In-Game Assessment for Patient-adaptive Intelligent Rehabilitation Robotics
  3. DC14: Advancing Prosthetic Limb Control: Bridging the Gap Between Adaptability and Safety

Two further positions are being supervised by Prof. Thomas Seel at Leibniz Universität Hannover. As Germany is the host country, applicants must have lived in Germany or have pursued their main activity in Germany (e.g. studying at a German university) for a maximum of 12 months in the last 36 months:

  1. DC6: Biomimetic model-based reinforcement learning of motor primitives
  2. DC11: Experience-Driven Co-Adaptation through Multi-Agent Learning in Assistive Devices

More information about the project and how to apply can be found on the website.

The mission of AERIALIST: Bridging the Gap
Our mission is to advance assistive healthcare technologies by creating adaptable, reliable and intelligent solutions. We aim to develop systems that seamlessly adapt to users, environments and tasks, providing intuitive and symbiotic support. We utilize the latest developments in the field of machine learning to make theoretical advances

M. Sc. Leon Budde
Group Leader
Medical Technology & Image Processing
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
M. Sc. Leon Budde
Group Leader
Medical Technology & Image Processing
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
M. Sc. Moritz Schappler
Group Leader
Robotics & Autonomous Systems
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
M. Sc. Moritz Schappler
Group Leader
Robotics & Autonomous Systems
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen


                                                                                                               Currently, there are no vacancies available.