Institute of Mechatronic Systems Research
Research Group: Medical Technology & Image Processing

Research Group: Medical Technology & Image Processing

Mechatronic systems are playing an increasingly significant role in medical technology. Today's surgical procedures are characterized by a high degree of complexity. This complexity arises from the continuously growing demands placed on surgeons. For instance, increasingly finer anatomical structures are becoming the focus of surgical therapies. At the same time, postoperative trauma for patients should be minimized. To achieve this, innovative devices incorporating state-of-the-art information technology, imaging, and mechatronic components are required.

In close collaboration with medical professionals, the research group "Medical Technology & Image Processing" works on innovative projects in the fields of laboratory device technology, surgical assistance systems, and OR and process automation.

We are also active at the Lower Saxony Center for Biomedical Engineering, Implant Research, and Development (NIFE). Our office and laboratory facilities, located in the immediate vicinity of Hannover Medical School, provide an ideal working environment to advance direct work on clinical challenges.

In addition to surgical assistance and automation systems, our research also focuses on AI-based systems for diagnostic and/or therapeutic support. Using machine learning algorithms, systems can be developed for applications such as automated X-ray image diagnosis. Furthermore, support systems based on motion data are being explored, enabling the evaluation of pathologies and/or human movement patterns.

Work Scope of the Group Medical Technology & Image Processing


M. Sc. Leon Budde
Group Leader
Medical Technology & Image Processing
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
M. Sc. Leon Budde
Group Leader
Medical Technology & Image Processing
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen