Medizintechnik & Bildverarbeitung
Development of a 3D-Bioextrusion-Printer for growing individualized heart-muscle-tissue to treat failing heart syndrome (Indiheart)Within this interdisciplinary project, a manufacturing process for growing individualized heart-muscle implants for failing heart syndrome therapy is being developed in close cooperation with the University Medical Center Göttingen (director: Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram-Hubertus Zimmermann), the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (director: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eberhardt Bodenschatz), as well as the German Primate Center (director: Prof. Dr. med. vet. Rabea Hinkel). The force created by the artificial heart-muscle patch is supposed to restore sufficient blood-pumping abilities. At the imes, the research is focused on the development of a robot-based, fully sterilizable 3D-bioextrusion-printer and its controls. Main milestone within the current phase of the project is the automation of the printing process, to ensure precision and quality of the artificial heart-muscle-tissue.Team:Year: 2021Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Automated production and analysis of bioartificial tissueLaboratory-grown human tissues with complex organ properties are increasingly being used in drug testing and thus make an important contribution to patient safety. At the same time, human tissue models are already replacing preclinical animal models and are demanded by regulatory authorities as alternative methods. In order to exploit the full potential as an alternative method, quality-assured automation of production and parallelization of analysis as well as a reduction in costs per data point are required. AutoOrgan_3R combines experience in the laboratory production of human tissue via so-called tissue engineering, here initially using the example of heart tissue from induced pluripotent stem cells, and process automation to help alternative methods in drug testing achieve a breakthrough.Team:Year: 2024Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchDuration: 04/24 - 03/27