Ongoing Research Projects

Robotik & autonome Systeme

  • roboterfabrik
    In order to establish Hanover as a leading venue for robotics, the project roboterfabrik was launched as a cooperation between Region Hannover, Leibniz Universität and Roberta Regiozentrum Hannover. The roboterfabrik pursues a continuous approach for the education of so-called Robotic Natives, spanning from school to university. Educational programs in robotics for career guidance and for company employees are also offered.
    Team: M. Sc. Tim-Lukas Habich
    Year: 2023
    Funding: Region Hannover
    Duration: 01/2023-12/2025
  • Human-Robot Collaboration with Parallel Kinematic Machines
    Within the project funded by the German Research Foundation, investigations are being conducted into how safe human-robot collaboration with parallel kinematic machines can be carried out. The main aspect of the research project is the detection of collisions and clamping between the human and the robot structure, as well as an appropriate reaction to them. This requires an analysis of clamping dangers and design measures, detection and reaction methods built on this analysis. Based on the research, danger-reducing collision and clamping reactions are determined. For the technical implementation of reactions to clamping and collision, observers are used that filter and merge available measured signals such as motor current and joint angle in a suitable form. In addition, the dynamic behavior of the robot with the human is controlled in order to reduce the forces from advance in the case of clamping and collision. The researched methods and procedures are implemented and validated on real parallel kinematic machines.
    Team: M. Sc. Aran Mohammad
    Year: 2021
    Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Duration: 03/2021-09/2027
  • Entwicklung eines automatischen Systems zur präzisen, mechanischen Unkrautbekämpfung im Bio-Gemüsebau (AMUN)
    Durch Verunkrautung entstehen im Bio-Gemüse-Anbau regelmäßig teils erhebliche Ernteeinbußen. Ein zielführender Anbau erfordert oft hohen Personaleinsatz, um die Unkräuter nahe der Nutzpflanzen in Handarbeit zu jäten. Je nach Kulturpflanze resultieren zum Teil deutliche Mehrkosten gegenüber Produkten aus der konventionellen Landwirtschaft, in der oft umstrittene Herbizide eingesetzt werden. In diesem Projekt wird ein mobiles System entwickelt, das Unkrautpflanzen auf dem Feld kamerabasiert identifiziert, lokalisiert und gezielt vernichtet. Kernaspekte der Projektaufgaben am imes stellen die Synthese einer auf die Aufgabe angepassten Roboterkinematik zur Werkzeugführung, sowie die Entwicklung leistungsfähiger Algorithmen zur echtzeitfähigen Bahnplanung unter anspruchsvollen Umgebungsbedingungen dar. Zudem werden in diesen Bereichen verschiedenste Entwicklungen und Forschungstätigkeiten angestrebt, um die Bearbeitungsgüte und -geschwindigkeit zu maximieren und somit eine wirtschaftliche Alternative zu realisieren.
    Team: M. Sc. Tim Sterneck
    Year: 2021
    Funding: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)
    Duration: 07/2021-12/2024
  • Robot-assisted In-situ Inspection
    In order to avoid expensive disassembly of engines in aviation technology, boroscopes are used to inspect the blades inside a turbine. The aim of this research project is to develop a new type of continuum robot that enables the turbine blades to be examined using a fringe projection system at the end effector and replaces the rigid boroscopes previously used.
    Team: M. Sc. Martin Bensch, M. Sc. Tim-David Job
    Year: 2020
    Funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft (BMWi)
    Duration: 01.03.2020 - 31.12.2021
  • Haley - Hydraulic snake-like robot for endoscopy
    Endoscopic procedures for diagnostics and therapy are changing medicine sustainably. Two important factors must be fulfilled for a successful intervention: Good maneuverability is necessary to reach areas that are difficult to access. In addition, the intervention in the target area requires high structural stiffness in order to withstand manipulation forces and provide the doctor with a stable working platform. However, today's endoscopes cannot fulfill both requirements at the same time. Either purely rigid or purely flexible endoscopes are used, and stiffenable mechanisms are extremely rare - even in research. As a bridge between flexible and rigid robots, a hydraulically actuated, snake-like endoscope will be investigated in the HALEy project.
    Team: M. Sc. Tim-Lukas Habich
    Year: 2020
    Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
    Duration: 10/2020-04/2023
  • Soft Material Robotics Toolbox (SMaRT) – Methodology for the design and development of soft robot structures
    Robots that can adapt to their environment due to their skin-like flexibility and are made of silicone-like materials bring many advantages, but also challenges. Research is being carried out into how a methodical approach to the design and development of these systems can be implemented. This involves modeling the dynamics on the basis of structural models and implementing test rigs to identify and validate the models generated. The controlled movement of pneumatically actuated systems represents a central challenge in this research work. Model-based control strategies are being developed, investigated and compared. The project is part of the priority program 2100 (
    Team: M.Sc. Max Bartholdt
    Year: 2019
    Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
    Duration: 06/2019 - 01/2025

Past Research Projects

Robotik & autonome Systeme

  • Generation of Task Specific Robot Manipulators via Combined Structural and Dimensional Synthesis
    In order to propel the middle and small industries forward, a new method for the development of serial and parallel robots from a specific task is developed. The goal of the project is the automatic and global synthesis of robot structures from the design requirements.
    Team: M. Sc Moritz Schappler
    Year: 2018
    Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
    Duration: 2018 - 2022
  • Parallel-continuous manipulators - equalization of structure-specific disadvantages by combining parallel and continuum robots
    The project investigates the kinematical structure of parallel continuous robots that are parallel robots with continuous kinematic chains. The goal is to combine the high accuracy and stiffness of parallel robots with the high dexterity and manipulability of continuous robots.
    Team: Dipl.-Ing. Kathrin Nülle
    Year: 2018
    Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
    Duration: 1.1.2018-31.12.2019
  • Implementation of robot-assisted orientation systems at the Campus Maschinenbau
    The Campus Maschinenbau was the University's largest new construction project and commenced its final operation in the year 2020. To faciliate orientation at the campus and answer requests of different kinds, the purpose of this project is to conceptualize and implement a robot-assisted orientation system. The robot is supposed to provide information from the central information- and room-planning system and will also work as a guide for people who require orientation at the campus.
    Team: M.Sc. Marvin Stüde
    Year: 2018
    Funding: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    Duration: 01.03.2018 - 28.02.2023
  • Auto-tuning of PID controllers for robot manipulators
    Traditional PID controller is one of the most popular control structures in industrial processes. This is due to its simplicity and robustness. These advantages qualify PID controllers to be widely used in the field of robotics. Robot manipulators, however, are highly nonlinear, highly coupled, multi-input multi-output (MIMO) dynamic systems. Tuning the PID gains for such systems is considered to be a complicated task, which is usually done using traditional or manual methods, e.g. trials and errors.
    Team: M.Sc. Ahmed Zidan
    Year: 2017
  • Smart Control System for Increasing the Efficiency of Industrial DC Mircogrids
    The aim of this project is to develop intelligent control of the systems within a DC link circuit to reduce the energy absorbed by the production line. The next step is to extend the energy control system to energy storage and variable renewable energies. Emphasis is on the depth of simulation, the size of the influence of various factors, the energy storage control and the construction of an intelligent control, which actively intervenes in the process.
    Team: M. Sc. Elias Knöchelmann
    Year: 2017
    Funding: Bosch Rexroth AG.
  • Energy efficient path planning for industrial robots
    This project focuses on improving the energy efficiency of industrial robots by optimising the path planning algorithms. Intelligent path planning approaches can increase the energy efficiency by avoiding unfavourable operating points or by utilising the eletrical as well as the mechanical couplings of the axes. In order to optimise the path, it is necessary to simulate the comprehensive drive system as well as the robot's mechanics. The energy-optimal path is determined using non-linear optimisation algorithms.
    Year: 2015
    Funding: Industry
  • "3rd Arm" - Craftsmen-Force-Assistence with adaptive Human-Machine Interaction
    Regarding an aging work force with higher requirements for work efficiency, a force assistence system is developed. The system is based on a mechatronic structure ("3rd arm"), which is fixed to the body of the user via a supporting construction. Apart from the physical support the system meets cognitive assistance functions. Thus, it provides force support on the one hand and on the other hand the increase in work efficiency and quality of work.
    Team: Dipl.-Ing. Kathrin Nülle
    Year: 2014
    Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
    Duration: 3 years
  • Design of Energy Efficient Mechatronic Systems based on Automated Controller Synthesis and Trajectory Planning
    Reducing the energy consumption is a major concern in industrial production systems. One approach is recuperating the braking energy of robot axes. We therefore propose an automated methodology that consists of three parts: A scenario-based language to flexibly specify the discrete production system behavior, an automated procedure to synthesize optimal control strategies from such specifications, including PLC code generation, and a procedure for the detailed trajectory optimization.
    Team: M. Sc. Elias Knöchelmann
    Year: 2013
    Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Automatic generation of optimized robotic structures for a desired task
    In order to propel the middle and small industries forward, a new method for the development of serial chain robots from a specific task is expected. The goal of the project is the automatic and global synthesis of robot structures from the design requirements.
    Team: M. Sc. Daniel Andrés Ramirez
    Year: 2013
    Funding: Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Colombia ("Colciencias")
  • Electromagnetic bending actuator for endoscopic applications
    The main objective of this project is aimed at the disadvantages of existing endoscopic systems which consider handling and risk of injury to the patient. The development of a new actuator, the modeling of kinematics and dynamics as well as the implementation of suitable control algorithms should compensate the aforementioned criteria. The work will be carried out in close cooperation with the Institute of Drive Systems and Power Electronics (IAL).
    Team: M. Sc. Svenja Spindeldreier (née Tappe)
    Year: 2013
    Funding: DFG and Caroline Herschel Program of the Equal Opportunities Office
    Duration: 2013-2019
  • Modularly structured motion control system for robotics and handling.
    In this project, an easy to use, modularly structured and thus flexible platform for the control of various robotic applications is being developed. In addition to established systems, such as SCARA, articulated or delta kinematics, different interfaces offer the ability to control custom-made kinematics. The aim is to simplify the programming and commissioning of complex, multi-axis manufacturing machines.
    Team: Dipl.-Ing. Julian Öltjen
    Year: 2012
    Funding: Lenze Automation GmbH