Zeige Ergebnisse 341 - 360 von 742
Salchow, C., Valtin, M., Seel, T., & Schauer, T. (2016). Development of a feedback-controlled hand neuroprosthesis: FES-supported mirror training. In Proceedings of the AUTOMED Workshop, Wismar, Germany (S. 22-23)
Schoob, A., Kundrat, D., Lekon, S., Kahrs, L. A., & Ortmaier, T. (2016). Color-encoded distance for interactive focus positioning in laser microsurgery. Optics and lasers in engineering, 83, 71-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlaseng.2016.03.002
Schoob, A., Kundrat, D., Kahrs, L. A., & Ortmaier, T. (2016). Comparative study on surface reconstruction accuracy of stereo imaging devices for microsurgery. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 11(1), 145-156. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-015-1240-z
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Beckmann, D., Schappler, M., Dagen, M., & Ortmaier, T. (2015). Flachheitsbasierte Vorsteuerung eines elastisch-gekoppelten elektrischen Antriebssystems unter Verwendung von Trapezprofilen. In Tagungsband VDE Mechatronik
Beckmann, D., Schappler, M., Dagen, M., & Ortmaier, T. (2015). New approach using flatness-based control in high speed positioning: Experimental results. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) (S. 351-356). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/icit.2015.7125123
Beckmann, D., Wielitzka, M., Dagen, M., & Ortmaier, T. (2015). Online-Parameterschätzung mit sensitivitätsbasierter Anregungsüberwachung eines mechatronischen Antriebssystems. In VDI Drive Technology (Antriebstechnik)
Bergmeier, J., Kundrat, D., Schoob, A., Kahrs, L. A., & Ortmaier, T. (2015). Methods for a fusion of Optical Coherence Tomography and stereo camera image data. In R. J. Webster, & Z. R. Yaniv (Hrsg.), Medical Imaging 2015: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling Artikel 94151C (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE; Band 9415). SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2082511
Bergmeier, J., Daentzer, D., Noll, C., Majdani, O., Ortmaier, T., & Kahrs, L. A. (2015). Towards endoscopic image-to-physical registration of mastoid cells and trabecula. In Annual Conference of the German Society for Computer and Robot assisted Surgery (CURAC) (S. 43-48)
Borchard, J. H., Dierßen, F., Kotlarski, J., Kahrs, L. A., & Ortmaier, T. (2015). Workspace analysis for evaluating laparoscopic instruments. In F. Viadero, & P. Flores (Hrsg.), New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science - From Fundamentals to Industrial Applications (S. 81-89). (Mechanisms and Machine Science; Band 24). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09411-3_9
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