Topics (subject to alterations)
- Parallel kinematic mechanisms
- structures
- inverse and direkt kinematics
- kinematic performance criteria
- dynamics
- redundant mechanisms
- Parameter identification
- lineare, and nonlinear algorithms
- deterministic optimization methods
- optimal stimulation
- Visual Servoing
- 2½D and 3D approaches
- camera calibration
- Machine Learning
- Definitions and basic ideas
- Methods and techniques

Special features
The lecture will be complemented by a so-called "Remote Lab": Using a Delta robot, you will learn the contents of the lecture and exercise through various laboratory experiments using a practical example. Knowledge of MATLAB is advantageous for the exiercises. Access to the experimental set-up is via remote control, so that the experiments can be carried out on your own PC at any time. The lab is carried out in small workgroups.
Course Materials
The accompanying materials for the lecture "Robotics II" will be provided for download at Stud.IP during the lecture. These mainly include the lecture notes, exercises, old exams and relevant literature. Supporting videos to content from the script are given here.
Please note: The Lecture is given in German. All extra material (except for secundary literature) is in German, too.
Consultation hours
No fixed consultation hours are offered. We would like to encourage you to use the StudIP forum to ask your questions. Not only will your fellow students be able to help you, but it will be guaranteed that not only you but the whole group will benefit from the answer of our teaching staff.
However, individual appointments can be made at any time if you have any questions about the lecture. Please contact the lecture staff.
- Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Seel
- Term: summer term
- Type of exam: written
- Language: German
For further details please visit StudIP.

30823 Garbsen