In the summer semester, the "Master Laboratory Mechatronics I" is given by the Institute of Automatic Control with Prof. Müller as examiner.
In the winter semester, the "Master Laboratory Mechatronics II" is offered and supervised by the Institute of Mechatronic Systems with Prof. Seel as examiner.
In the curriculum of the master's degree programme Mechatronics and Robotics, you must prove successful participation in one of the two master's laboratories (ML I in SS or ML II in WS) as a compulsory course.
Structure and Content of the Lab
The laboratory supervision is centrally organised by Mr Marc Warnecke, Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
The laboratory comprises various individual experiments that are carried out at the several institutes of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The experiments in the laboratory are grouped in sections of 4 experiments. The performance of one section corresponds to a teaching equivalent of 2 credit points.
Students of the Master's degree programmes Mechatronics and Robotics, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering choose 2 sections each in groups of 4 students and receive 4 credit points after successful completion.
Students of mechanical engineering, production and logistics, biomedical engineering, etc. can each take one section in their groups for 2 credit points. The labs (SS & WS) can be taken independently, the contents do not depend on each other.
The contents of the previous experiments can be found in the following overviews:
Further information on the Master's Laboratory Mechatronics I and II can be found in Stud.IP and the module catalogues of the degree programmes.
Registration for the laboratory always takes place in the first week of the semester (from 1.4.) before the lecture period!
Students of Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering must register via the main laboratory registration form of the faculty ET+Inf. Please do not additionally register in the StudIP group, as only the allocation in the central registration is valid. Multiple entries will be deleted. All students admitted to the lab via the main registration will be entered manually in StudIP.
Students of Mechanical Engineering, Production and Logistics, Biomedical Engineering and Industrial Engineering please register directly via the respective Stud.IP group and not via the main registration.
In order to participate in the laboratory, attendance of the introductory lecture is mandatory. The introductory event takes place shortly after the registration deadline for the laboratory in the first week of the semester (before the start of lectures). Failure to attend this introductory event for your own reasons will lead to exclusion from participation in the laboratory in the respective semester. This date is also obligatory for any waiting list places; you cannot move up the list without attending the event. Due to the urgency of the laboratory allocation, only one introductory course is offered before the start of lab dates.
Note: during the pandemic the introductory lecture will be held online. More information on this is given during the registration.
The course name in Stud.IP is:
for the summer semester " Wissenschaftliche Anleitung: Masterlabor Mechatronik I".
The laboratory is very work-intensive and therefore you may not have time to prepare for additional exam requirements from the preliminary admission to the degree programme. Therefore, you are not allowed to participate in the laboratory if you have not yet fulfilled the additional exam requirements. To prove that you have fulfilled the requirements, please send the fully stamped and signed “Laufzettel” to the laboratory supervisor by email.
If the attendance to the lab is reported to the examination office by the organisator and the exam requirements have not yet been passed, this will be assumed to be an attempt to deceive.
Contact to the lab supervisor
If you have any questions about the lab, please send an Email to the lab supervisor.