Short description
The imes supervises the “Student Accelerator - Engineering Innovations”, in which students can gain their first real-life experience in the field of spin-offs/start-ups in teams of their own choosing. You will be taught the basics of business plans and company presentations and develop your business idea from the engineering environment in close coordination with your supervisor and external professionals from the field of entrepreneurship. If your team is convincing at the first pitch and thus reaches the second round, you will receive €5,000 per team to implement an initial (software or hardware) prototype. Ideally, this tutorial will guide you over two semesters until you receive start-up or follow-up financing, such as the EXIST-Gründungsstipendium funded by the federal government (BmWK). For further information, please get in touch with the contact person listed below.
- Tutors:
Dr.-Ing. Simon Ehlers, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Seel, known Experts from the Start-Up Scene - Semesters:
Winter & Summer Semester - SWS:
2 - Recommended semester :
End of Bachelor's degree, beginning of Master's degree (all degree programmes within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
- Registration:
For registration please wirte an e-mail to the contact person. - Special features:
The module usually extends over 2 semesters and prepares students for applying for a BmWK-funded Exist start-up scholarship.

Identification & Control
30823 Garbsen

Identification & Control